TLC by Chrouya Script: Little Busters 05 TL - timed aho [Edit OtakuFreak] Workraw: Little Busters! 05 WR TO QC ===> FOCUS ON CAPITALIZATION IN THE SCRIPT, IT GOES VERY WRONG WITH NEW LINES, TOO MUCH TO NOTE DOWN HERE :( 2 Muscles, muscles on the move! {the idiom used here is "passing through", liberalise if deemed necessary.} 10 Rin-chan, Yui-chan, thanks for playing with me! Rin-chan, Yui-chan, thanks for the game! {I'd suggest to use this instead. They're not playing for her sake} 11 You bet, Komari-kun, you're such a bundle of energy. You bet. Komari-kun, you're such a bundle of energy. {the comma makes no sense there} 13 Wait, where is Yui-chan? Wait, where is this person called Yui-chan? {more obvious and oblivious} 22 She really doesn't like to be the subject of attention, does she? Natsume-imouto. Natsume's little sister really doesn't like to be the subject of attention, does she? {too fragmented English sentence. This fixes it.} 43 Yesterday, right... Yesterday... {omit the word "right"} 52 Onii-chan… I wonder if he's looking for me… Wherever he is. Onii-chan… I wonder if he's looking for me somewhere. {I'd lessen the amount of omissions and pauses} 53 That's why, in my dreams, he may be calling for me. That's why he may be calling for me in my dreams. {too many commas} 58 And then… He died. And then… He passed away. {alternative} 61 Riki, isn't there a way we can look for him? Her brother. Riki, isn't there a way we can find her brother? {this sentence is hardly possible in colloquial English.} 63 Get out of here! {He says 来るな, not こら as in JP script} {He actually does says kora (albeit heavily accented; I checked the spectrogram), but keeping the translation as is.} 81 Komari-san has that dream of her brother a lot, it seems. Komari-san dreams a lot about her brother, it seems. {it's not a specific dream} 105 That's probably the reason. That's probably not the only reason. {the negative wasn't added into the sentence...} 112 Nope, I'm not! I'm not the Komari Komari. Nope, I'm not! I'm not the Komari you know. {an alternative suggestion is to liberalize this to a bit more flowing English} 120 Cuz tonight I'm staying up until morning and eating chips and crackers. {cuz? And here I was thinking that we left all characters mostly unaccented} 124 Oh that's right, if you want to come along, my room's a good spot! Oh that's right, if you want to come along, I know a good spot! {she's inviting her to the rooftop instead of her room as seen later} {which is why they're "close to them"} 126 From somewhere close to Mr. Stars! From somewhere close to them! {I don't believe the term mr. stars exists. "ohoshisama" is honorable addressing for the stars. If no alternative available, leave it out} 130 When you say that, It really does look like a starry sky. When you're the one saying that, it really does look like a starry sky. {random capitalization there. Also, emphasis on Komari being the one saying it.} 139 That we'll see a shooting star... What can I make that wish on, I wonder? {awkward phrase, I must say - saru) What should we wish upon, so that we'll see a shooting star? {I'm putting the wonder in the verb "should", and switched the clauses around} 143 "On what can we wish upon seeing a shooting star…" "What should we wish upon, so that we'll see a shooting star?" {copy the previous mentioned line, now in quotation marks} {it's the same sentence, why was it different in translation?} 147 Today it's bear-san... {Perhaps it's better if you localize this part and say "Mr. Bear" instead of bear-san. If you keep bear-san, capitalize it -> Bear-san} {the same goes for Mrs. Flower <-> Flower-san } 157 Here, have a black cosshee. Here, have some black coffee. {kooshii is an alternative spelling for coffee} {for your information, it's this can:} 167 Beautiful things. {I vote beautiful instead of wonderful} 168 It's like your eyes can see all kinds of things that normal people's can't. It's like your eyes can perceive more things than ordinary people's eyes. {I didn't like this wording} 169 I am normal. I am ordinary. 184 I did the same! (I wished for the same thing!) I wished for the same! {how about a mix of the two?} 187 It's fun when we're all together, The reason it's so fun when we're all together, 188 When we're all together, I think we make each other happy. is because we feel happy for each other when we gather. 203 The story about the match-selling girl. The story called "The Little Match Girl". 204 The match-selling girl? The Little Match Girl? { } 205 206 And her life disappeared along with the last shooting star of the night. {I'd combine the sentences} 212 YOU KNOW, Riki-kun... Hey, Riki-kun... {Sorry Lurid, but please agree that all caps does look a bit bleh in subtitles.} 215 What?! {I prefer this than Eh?!} {Remove the exclamation mark, perhaps?} 246 It's a fish-san! Lots of fish here! {I don't like the phrasing here. I thought of an alternative like "There's a fish!" ...Perhaps that works.} 257 Even if I just lose an old used-up rubber eraser, Even when I just lose an old used-up rubber eraser, 260 Couldn't you… Not look? Couldn't you… Just stop looking? {I don't like the phrasing here again} 264 Good.{ is it really necessary? - saru} {Omit this line. It isn't.} 265 Then… Would you be my Onii-chan, Riki-kun? Then… Would you become my Onii-chan, Riki-kun? 285 It's alright, Komari. Listen carefully, Komari. {iikai isn't "daijoubu". Iika(i) is to let the listener know that the following should be remembered.} [EPISODE SIGN] Episode 5 In search for what was lost.